  • +31618707052
  • renadisantoso0@gmail.com

Maandelijks archief 22 oktober 2023

Sumatra Festival at Taman Indonesia Kallenkote

Renadi played music and songs on Talempong during the Sumatra festival in Kallenkote 22nd of October 2023. The music ensemble was completed by Rosiati Ismangil (gendhang) and Vera Atika (gong).

Official opening DGIT Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam

20th of October 2023 Renadi played kendang in a special performance alongside dancers Rahmida Patmawati, Nova Marselino Burda and Arnaud Kokosky-Defarchaux. The performance marked the start of the exhibition about Indonesia in the Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam NL, titled ‘De Grote Indonesië Tentoonstelling’.